15 curious conversations with hand-picked experts delving deep into the emotions behind the whys of our dog’s behaviors.

Why on earth does (s)he do that?!

The question on every dog owner's lips when their dog is up to something less than desirable is WHY?!!!

And I applaud your curiosity.

For when we are curious, we dig past the obvious and often misleading answers to get to the real heart of the matter.


➔       Never does as they’re told?
➔       Shows you up and makes you feel embarrassed?
➔       Isn’t quite the dream best friend you’d imagined?
➔       Is unpredictable & prone to changing their mind?

Or perhaps you’d just like to understand your dog better - and get some of those ‘why’ questions answered.

Whatever behavior problem you’d like to fix, or questions you’d like answered, it all starts with a lingering curiosity and a willingness to look a little deeper.

You see, your dog isn’t being a pain in the backside on purpose!

There will be something going on underneath it all. And when you find out what it is, you’ll both feel ALL the better for it.

Ready to get curious?!

 I’d love to invite you to our FREE series of curious conversations;

Our Lives With Dogs 

What do Dogs Actually Feel?

I’m Jan Gould, a dog trainer who’s entirely devoted to fostering positive partnerships between dogs and dog-lovers through increased understanding.

Join me and my 15 expert guests as we stay curious just a little bit longer and dive under the hood of what lies beneath our dog’s behaviors.

● Ever wondered whether dogs can really feel jealousy, grief or heartache?
● Ever considered how those emotions may play out in your dog’s behavior?
● What about the impact of YOUR emotions on your dog?

Our dog’s emotions and their impact on behavior is truly a fascinating subject, and we’d love you to join us in this important curious conversation.

Wherever you are in the world, you can listen in and join us afterwards in our FREE Facebook discussion group to explore the subject further together.

Audio recordings of our curious conversations will land in your inbox daily

Look at your dog through a whole new lens and watch your problems subside and your relationship blossom. Through deepened understanding, new bonds are formed.